Privacy Policy
We provide various information through our website “” and the satisfaction of our viewers is the main purpose of our website. Our website is made by many unique contents and Articles through which viewers receive various information of each recruitment. The content delivered on the website is written by our indiaexamalert team and experienced authors and each Article include unique contents and we do not serve any copyright information which can be found in any other website of the Universe.
Only viewers are allowed to visit and utilized our website, but we do not permit any other author of another website to take or use any information from our website without the authorization of our authors. We want to provide information as viewers like, but in this case, viewers can mail our website, email address if they have any question or confusion about any employment notification on our website and we have started emailing service in our website through which viewers can inform us about their queries and our experienced team will reply to them as soon as possible to solve their problems. We promise all the viewers that we will keep your private email address and private information hidden from others. If you send us your email writing your confusions about any recruitment which you can’t understand or about which you want to know more, we will be pleased to feed back to you because it will help us to develop our website content in our future.